UNIVERSAL Eisen und Stahl GmbH is represented by:

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Bross



  • Dr. Bross has been Chairman of the Management Board of Universal Eisen und Stahl GmbH since 1 January 2023.
  • In 2019, Dr. Bross became a member of the Group Executive Board and took over the management of the Plate and Section Steel Business Unit.
  • In 2010, Dr. Bross joined the Management Board of Salzgitter Flachstahl and took over the Sales and Logistics Division.
  • Dr. Bross began his career at Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH in 2002 as a production engineer in the hot-rolled flat steel/development, application and testing technology quality department.
  • Sebastian Bross holds a doctorate in engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig (Institute of General Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Institute of Metal Physics).

Götz Richter



  • Mr. Richter has been Managing Director of Universal Eisen und Stahl GmbH since August 1, 2010.
  • In 2005, Mr. Richter took over the sales management of Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlhandel GmbH at the Hanover site.
  • Mr. Richter's professional career has included several positions within today's Salzgitter AG - from clerk in 1985 to authorized signatory at Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlhandel GmbH in 2002. 
  • Götz Richter completed his training as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant at Peine-Salzgitter Stahlhandel GmbH.